December 2020

Tori Studer

Human Resources Generalist


Tori is an amazingly talented employee. She is always enthusiastic to collaborate and helps fine-tune our visions to fruition. She possesses so many great skills that are a tremendous asset to ACHIEVE, including video production, visual graphics, and appreciating staff. Tori is the go-to person we all reach out to when we don’t know what to do. She has shown great leadership qualities as the Chair of the Staff Appreciation Committee, and one can easily see the drive and motivation she consistently displays to recognize and acknowledge the efforts of her coworkers. For all of her efforts of putting others first, she is certainly worthy of recognition herself.

Beyond Tori’s talents, she also is a genuine, beautiful person. She truly cares about her fellow staff, the individuals we support, and our incredible agency. She is universally loved by all who know her, and brightens the day of anyone fortunate enough to cross paths with her.